Friday, 16 September 2011


Today I begin two new 30 day challenges. One with Drew and one with Matea. It is fun that people I care about have decided to join me for challenges!! (Anyone else is welcome jump on the wagon too!)

Drew and I are going to be memorizing scriptures in the hopes of enriching our understanding of God and His word and growing to more fully love, appreciate and treasure those things that He has taught. Not only are we going to memorize them, but we are going to critically think about how they apply to us and will be discussing them every day.

Matea and I are going to be doing a 30 day dance challenge. I am honestly not sure as we begin this one how it will serve to enrich my life, but I am sure that it will be fun. We will be attempting to learn three different dances, or dance moves. First, the MOONWALK!!!! I have always wanted to be able to moonwalk. Second, we are going to learn the Thriller dance! This one is going to be a bit of an undertaking, but we are committed, right Matea? Leaving the MJ theme third we are learning the dance from the movie "Hitch". Good thing Matea has the movie because I haven't even seen it, apparently, it is a really funny dance moves though.

Stay tuned for videos and updates on the dance challenge. Yes, we are going to video tape ourselves attempting and then succeeding in mastering these dances.

P.S. Just a side note as well, my Mum is currently challenging herself to learn how to juggle three balls. AND, her next planned challenge is to learn how to text message!! GO MUM!!!!!!!!!

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